Project Progress Report Feedback
Edward John Ivanac , Apr 8 at 10:44am
Overall this is an extremely together project. It was very hard for me to find any advice/criticisms, so kudos. The one real piece of advice I have is to maybe make your next steps more prominent. At the very end of your code page you talked about some next steps in terms of your analysis strategy but I would say that could be elaborated on more somewhere in the progress page. Otherwise the project and website look to be very well done!
Tianwei Liu , Apr 8 at 2:04pm
Website This website is presented very well. The color design is very beautiful, and the layout is clear. Although I do not know wordle before looking at this project, I can get understanding of the game by looking at the intro. The web app makes the website interactive and fun to use. If I must find a problem, it would be that some of the pages are rooted in the middle of the page and not easy to directly investigate. Maybe it would be better to include a dropdown list on the top bar which allow users to look at nested pages such as progress report.
Content This project looks very interesting. You have used multiple methods to determine the word frequency and analyze the likely efficiency of a word that is chosen. The data and graphs are easy to understand. If I have to ask a question, it would be when browsing is where does the DSP skills come in? I understand that you treat each word as a vector that contains five char as signal, however I do not quiet understand how did you perform frequency analysis on this type of signal. I. E. how to perform Fourier transform on this type of signal to get the same result as, say, just counting the frequency.
Besides, overall this is a great project.
Dominic Michele Dadabbo , Apr 8 at 4:20pm
In terms of your website, it has a great layout and is very user friendly. Your team did a great job on it!
Your “Analysis” section is great! It does a good job explaining the steps you went through while designing your best starter word analyzer and thoroughly explains how the different algorithms work (ie Cosine Similarity, Copd Outlier Detection …). My favorite thing about your project is your “Test Your Starter Word” functionality as it is very easy to use and gives the results from your 3 different analysis methods.
One little thing, I was unable to find your “main helper” that is mentioned on the home page. I do not know if you guys have implemented this functionality yet, but if you can't enable it just make sure to remove it to avoid confusion for the final submission. Additionally, it may be useful to further elaborate on why your UI has a difficult time when there is only 1 more letter to guess because I am a little confused on why that would be the case given your Greedy Heuristics method (maybe include an explanation in the “Background” tab).
Jason Richard Ribbentrop , Apr 8 at 4:49pm
First, I found your project quite interesting and relevant for the average person. I think that is a big strength of your project as you can gain the attention of engineers and non-engineers. Your progress so far is impressive and the final product will be very cool. I do have a few thoughts…
1. You mentioned that you have two goals in giving the best starting word(1) and providing a next best guess(2). Do you have a plan for that yet/ how is the progress going? I think a really cool experiment is getting people to play wordle with and without your next best guess provider. You could then see if your algorithm is better than the average player.
2. Also related to your second goal, are you expecting to use new ML methods for that approach or will continue to use the same ones from the best guess?
3. Two minor website things formatting things. One, adding the link to the data sets could be useful for the audience if they want to explore it. Two, the graphs on your analysis page could use numbering (ie. Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) I realize this is very minor, but wanted to give some kind of feedback. The remainder of the website looks great.
Best of luck with the remainder of the project!
Wes Cummings , Apr 8 at 7:55pm
Your website is super cool! It's obvious you've put in a ton of time and are really knowledgeable about what you're doing.
I've watched some videos on people trying to make the best wordle algorithm. In the best one I have seen, he used his first word to decrease the number of possible words and then the rest of the guesses were the word that would allow you to guess the word on average in the least number of guesses. I think this could be a cool add for you guys since it would allow you to explore two algorithms and then combine them in the end.
On much less important notes:
- A cool feature you could add, though I'm not sure how the website would handle it, is putting your letter location frequency plot for every letter when you like hover over it. My starting word had 4 of the 5 letters you showed, but was interested in the 5th's frequency location.
- Are you guys using wordle's possible solution word AND possible guess word bank? I think there are upwards of 10,000 possible guess words, but only like 2800 solutions. When you are doing your best start word using COPOD, I would guess you're missing out on a few extremely good words if you're using only using the guess bank.
- Lastly, it be interesting to see why s is not as frequent as some other letters, but the almost all of the first 17 guesses contain an s.
Overall, phenomenal job and I look forward to seeing your final website!!
Aashish Harikrishnan , Apr 8 at 11:17pm
Really well done. Website is well organized, and a super cool idea. It was nice to see the cosine similarity we learned about in one of our HWs applied here. I'd be interested to see if there's any neural net applications you could try here as well? Perhaps, a predictor might be able to guess the wordle faster based on history of wordles? This might be particularly true for wordle spinoffs such as Taylordl where each word is based off of a common theme (Taylor Swift in this case).
Kabir Deol , Apr 8 at 11:43pm
Hi Jackson! Your website is looking really great! I love your section where we can test your own starter word (I thought it was a really cool add-on). You explained each one of the word analyzing methods very thoroughly. I also liked the addition of the buttons under your background page for each word analyzing method. One small suggestion that I would make for your website is to reduce the paragraphing for the home page. If you can do that, I think it would make your front page easier to read. Overall, amazing work!