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Wordle Helper Instructions

Here is a step by step list for using the Wordle helper:

(Wordle Game on the left, Helper in on the right)

1. Select an algorithm you would like to use from the drop down window (any algorithm will work. More information about each algorithm can be found on the background and analysis pages). A list of the top 5 best starter words are provided.

2. Enter the word you used in your actual Wordle game into the helper guess box on the right and hit enter.

3. Mark the colors you received for each letter by clicking on the letter boxes in the helper.

4. Once the colors in the game match the colors you selected in the helper, click the generate top 5 suggestions.

5. A list of the next 5 best guesses will be provided. Once you are ready and have made your next guess, hit the next guess button.

6. Repeat steps 2-4, entering in the word you used for each guess in and marking the correct colors. Repeat until you have completed the wordle.

7. Once you have guessed the right word (all 5 letters are green) or if you run into any problems, hit the Refresh Wordle Helper button to use it again.

Video Demo

Video Source: Dawson Hartman

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