Project progress report
This assignment completes a set of tasks designed to keep us on track for the projects completion. After this assignment is posted we our website will be reviewed by our peers and we will receive feedback from them along with our instructors.
1. Our website has a nice home page that describes Wordle and also the two Wordle Helper functionalities that have amounted from our letter and comparison analysis. It includes an informative section to assist with the maneuverability of the website overall. It is easy to go from page to page from that section and from there you can always use our menu bar at the top of every page to search through our site.
2. Our plots correspond to the letter frequency analysis methods we conducted and can be found mainly on the analysis page. There are some visuals in the background where we discuss the base explanation of our methods but the analysis page dives into our actual results.
3. So far our group has managed to accomplish a lot! We have three working forms of word analysis with respect to playing Wordle (Cosine Similarity (Freq.), Cosine Similarity (Freq. and Pos.), and COPOD Analysis). We have managed to code our main product which is the wordle helper. This UI is programmed with two of our analysis methods to help you through a game of Wordle. You choose which method you want, and then it suggests the five best first guesses and awaits what your chosen first guess is. With each of your guesses and how correct it was, it takes that data to narrow the list of possible words, recalculate the best guess, and then suggests the next 5 best guesses. This UI has been very successful with the daily wordle thus far. Another big accomplishment was getting our "Test Your Best Starter Word" program coded and on the website. We coded a widget in HTML and JavaScript to use the word analysis from the UI to allow users to enter their favorite starter word and see how to ranks in the list of 12,000+ possible guessing options. It currently only shows the rank for two analysis methods but the third is soon to come.
We have run into some problems, some of which we listed as stretch goals at the beginning of our project. Our UI works really well until you only have one letter to guess and there are a lot of possible options for that last letter. In this case, it can't give any real advice on which of those options is best so it displays them in an arbitrary order. We know that at this point the strategy of our UI is no longer optimal but to code that edge case would be very time consuming and difficult so we have not attempted tackling it yet. Another huge problem we have is we want to be able to run our UI on our website but since our code is in C++ we are not sure how to accomplish that. Some possibilities for solving that problem include integrating it using HTML and JavaScript, using a third party website to show it and run it for us, and finding a application that will work. These will be our main exploration after this progress report.
4. We feel like we are at a very good spot when it comes to project progress. We have some big goals to make this project into what we had imagined for it. We would like to add 1-2 more analysis methods for the word processing. We would then like to get the UI running with all of our analysis methods. we then would like to get that UI running on the website so a user could easily use it side by side with our in house wordle. We then would like the update our Test Your Best Starting Word to have all the analysis methods as well. From there, working on making the website as appealing visually and easy to use as possible.
5. Our group has learned a ton over the course of this project. We have all learned a ton about letter processing and analysis, all of which can be displayed in the Background and Analysis pages. We learned about coding in HTML and JavaScript as well as a little Python which none of us were very familiar with. Within Python we learned about many of the data science libraries like numpy, seaborn, pandas, and matplotlib, all of which were crucial for our COPOD analysis. All of these things are vital to our final product and being able to implement the two functionalities of Wordle Helpers. I think a big takeaway has been the way we all think about this game when we play it. Now after looking into the analysis of each word and guess we approach playing the game in a much different fashion.